Industrial PC vs. PLC Which is Best for Industrial Control

June 22, 2021


In Industrial automation, precision and efficiency are the name of the game. The machines must work flawlessly round the clock, and any malfunction can quickly result in costly downtime. To avoid these pitfalls, industrial engineers rely on two key components - the Industrial PC and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). In this post, we'll compare these two technologies to determine which is best for industrial control.

Industrial PC vs. PLC Overview

The industrial PC is a computer-based system designed for industrial control tasks. It can be used in a wide range of applications, from simple machine control to complex process automation systems. The PLC, on the other hand, is specifically designed for industrial automation. It is a highly reliable, modular controller that can be programmed to carry out specific tasks.


When it comes to performance, both Industrial PC and PLC are highly reliable. Industrial PCs are generally faster and more efficient, with more processing power and memory. This means they are better suited for complex automation tasks that require real-time computing power. In contrast, PLCs are highly optimized for automation tasks but may be less powerful in terms of processing speed and memory.


The cost is of paramount importance in industrial automation. In terms of costs, Industrial PCs are more expensive than PLCs due to their higher processing power and wider range of features. However, this increased cost can be justified by their superior performance and the flexibility they offer to developers. PLCs, on the other hand, are highly cost-effective, making them ideal for simple automation tasks.


Connectivity plays a pivotal role in Industrial automation. The industrial PC is fully compatible with standard operating systems, which means it can connect seamlessly with most industrial automation software. PLCs, on the other hand, require specialized software for programming and may only support specific communication protocols, making connecting to other devices more challenging.


Maintenance is a critical aspect of industrial automation, and both Industrial PCs and PLCs require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Industrial PCs are more prone to issues such as virus attacks and operating system crashes, which means they require more maintenance activities than PLCs. However, PLCs require regular hardware maintenance to ensure effective performance.

Which is Best for Industrial Control?

In summary, both Industrial PC and PLC are well-suited for industrial automation. The best choice depends on the specific industrial control task at hand. Industrial PCs are more suitable for complex automation tasks, especially those that require real-time processing power. PLCs are ideal for simple automation tasks that require a cost-effective solution.


  1. "Advantages of Industrial PC". National Instruments.
  2. "FAQs: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) vs. Industrial PCs for Machine Control". Beckhoff Automation.

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